Research @ JGU
Research Management Center (RMC)
In order to manage and direct the research and development process at the Jakarta Global University (JGU), JGU did it through the Research Management Center (RMC), which was formerly known as LPPM (integrated with Community Service), then became a Research Institute, then the latter changed to Research Management CentreI (RMC) with the goal of becoming a research management institution of international standard. In its management, RMC has a research roadmap which is a long-term plan that is made in such a way as to be able to accommodate comprehensive and practical research and development activities within the JGU environment.
Considering the growing development of research activities, the scale and complexity are increasingly diverse, thus requiring institutions to oversee the research process to ensure that research activities are in accordance with the Tridharma of Higher Education principles and specifically in accordance with the vision, mission, and objectives of JGU. More than that, the management by RMC also aims to make research activities in the JGU academic environment more focused, their achievements can be measured, thus facilitating evaluation and continuous improvement.
By 2030 To be a university that excels in technology and health, relevant to industry needs, meeting global expectations through holistic education, continuous assessment and community service for a better future
Provide a conducive and affordable educational environment for the community and facilitate the continuous exchange of knowledge. Increase knowledge and research in line with industry needs. Carry out research and community service in accordance with national and global challenges. Produce graduates with high moral values, dignity, leadership spirit, professional attitude, integrity, high social spirit, and able to compete globally
1. The production of human resources who are devoted to God Almighty with academic competence in the fields of technology, health and economics, are professional, capable of entrepreneurship and compete globally.
2. The implementation of research that is beneficial for the development of science, industry, and professions in the fields of technology, health and economy.
3. The implementation of various community service efforts as a means of serving the academic community that supports increasing the use of technology by the community.
4. Establishment of a network of partnerships with various related parties that are beneficial to the institution and have a positive impact on development in the fields of technology, health and the economy.